Since 1930, LELY ENVIRONNEMENT, a French family-owned company, has been offering its services for the collection, transport, processing, recovery and recycling of waste from industrial waste (C&I). Based in the Isère department in south-east France, the company has two main facilities for the recovery of wood waste collected from companies, local authorities and building industry professionals: its Inoval'Y sorting centre, and the Ecopôle, which has, among its many recovery platforms, one entirely dedicated to sorting wood by grade.
More...L’Italia primeggia in Europa anche per l’utilizzo di materie riciclate. Queste le filiere che superano i target europei di riciclo: la carta e il cartone, l’acciaio, il vetro, l’alluminio, il legno, le bioplastiche. Raccolti solo il 16% dei tessili prodotti.
More...L’impianto Green Ger, situato nella Val Brembana, rappresenta un esempio di innovazione nella produzione di pellet sostenibile, grazie all’utilizzo di tecnologie avanzate e macchinari specifici forniti da Molinari Recycling.
More...C2R can shred all wood raw materials in a single operation with Vecoplan’s primary crusher. This enables the French wood processing company to optimise its purchasing strategy.
More...IFAT Munich will be held from Monday to Thursday in the future. New dates: May 4 to 7, 2026.
More...Ecomondo: +5% le presenze totali rispetto all’edizione precedente (e +4% quelle estere), 1.620 brand espositori che hanno occupato 166.000 mq nel quartiere fieristico, ampliato con due nuovi padiglioni per rispondere ad una domanda crescente di presenza da parte delle aziende (+10% di espositori rispetto al 2023). La prossima edizione dal 4 al 7 novembre 2025.
More...Terminata un’edizione straordinaria di Ecomondo, facciamo il punto su quanto abbiamo visto tra gli stand.
More...Le tecnologie per l'ambiente in una Guida dedicata. Nell'edizione 2025 scopri le migliori tecnologie sul mercato nel settore dell'ambiente, del recycling, del recupero, del riciclaggio, dei rifiuti, dell'economia circolare, del trattamento delle acque, delle rinnovabili, della green economy, del biometano e tanto altro ancora.
More...Oltre 1.600 espositori e operatori internazionali da oltre 100 paesi con l'obiettivo di promuovere tecnologie all'avanguardia e competenze orientate alla green economy.
More...L'appuntamento è dal 5 all'8 Novembre 2024 per la 27° edizione di Ecomondo.
More...With the VVB, Vecoplan delivers a primary crusher that uses the flywheel mass of its rotor to efficiently crush all types of waste wood for energy recovery.
More...Entirely designed and built in the Puglia plant, the electric compact wheel loader will be marketed under the CASE and New Holland brands and distributed worldwide. With this third electric-powered model in the range, CNH reaffirms the crucial role of innovation in the development of high-performance, environmentally friendly solutions that serve people and the environment. The event also highlights the investments in advanced and sustainable infrastructure at the Lecce plant, as well as the plant's central role globally.
More...In line with the motto “Ready for the future of your business,” Lindner is presenting innovative solutions at IFAT 2024 that will ideally equip companies for the challenges of tomorrow. Robust, energy efficient and flexible both in the diversity of materials and applications these shredders can handle are essential characteristics – and the same goes for maintenance and servicing
More...IFAT Munich 2024, which took place from May 13 to 17 at the Munich Exhibition Center, ended with a top attendance: Around 142,000 visitors from nearly 170 countries and regions attended the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. The share of international visitors was over 50 percent and thus higher than ever. The number of international exhibitors also reached a new record: 55 percent of the 3,211 exhibitors came from abroad. Companies from a total of 61 countries and regions took part in the trade fair. With 300,000 square meters of space, IFAT Munich 2024 was also the largest ever.
More...UNTHA shredding technology, the Austrian premium manufacturer of shredding technology, will be presenting the new generation of its 4-shaft shredders, the RS class, and the MyUNTHA customer portal at IFAT 2024.
More...Vecoplan records its most successful year in company history again in 2023.
More...MO.BA. è la nuova griglia mobile realizzata da Cesaro Mac Import e Doppstad applicabile ai trituratori mobili della gamma Inventhor.
More...Almost everything that becomes waste can be recovered. On Recycling Industry, you can find a selection of the best technologies on the market for recycling all categories of waste.