CAMEC trituratori impianti riciclaggio movimentazione materiali
Cesaro Mac Import macchine per il trattamento dei rifiuti e progettazione di Impianti Integrati.
Tiger HS 640

Tiger HS 640

Tiger HS 640 is a compact and high performance machine that can replace a shredder + a screener + an unwrapping machine.
No more inline machines. Just a one-off fee with a surprising maintenance costs reduction. Pure electric power, no hydraulics, low consumptions, operating both as a dry or a wet system. Tiger HS 640 can separate the organic fraction from almost all kind of packaging rescuing both solid and liquid fractions. Tiger HS 640 was thought mainly for wet and dry AD plants. Here each drop of waste becomes biogas. More wastes saved from the packaging means more biogas produced. And more biogas means more profits. With Tiger HS 640 you will send to the digester more material than with other technologies: the solid fraction won’t be lost with the packaging. The entire amount of the organic fraction could be sent directly to the next step because Tiger HS 640 is able to separate and homogenize the material at the same time.