CAMEC trituratori impianti riciclaggio movimentazione materiali
70% recycling rate of aluminium packaging in Italy in 2015

70% recycling rate of aluminium packaging in Italy in 2015

2015 was a positive year, maintaining the trend of recent years: 46,500 tonnes of aluminium packaging were recycled, equal to 69.9% of the total quantity entering the market (66,500 tonnes).

This result was achieved with the cooperation of consumers and through the agreements between CIAL and local authorities.
To date, 6,607 Italian Municipalities have waste separation processes for aluminium packaging (82% of the total), involving about 52.6 million people (88.5% of the country’s population). The figures for the separation, recovery and recycling of aluminium packaging in Italy in 2015 were officially revealed, at the annual general meeting of CIAL – Italian Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Aluminium.

During the meeting the chairman of CiAl, Cesare Maffei, spoke to the representatives of the member companies.

“For a long time we have seen how, among the policies and strategies to recover and recycle materials, some concepts have taken hold – concepts that synthesize and inspire the choices and the orientation of the various political and economic subjects.
Among the main concepts are those of sustainable development and circular economy. With regard to these principles, the sector of aluminium has proven to be in step with the times and able to understand needs and developments in advance.
In 2015 we consolidated the image of ‘permanent material’ and the value of the ‘metal-to-metal loop’ underlying the recovery and recycling system in Italy. We also strengthened the contribution offered by the packaging management system to the growth of the national recycling model and to the interesting opportunities that this model will ensure in the future for other types of aluminium goods.
In terms of circular economy, which more than others has principles very close to the values of aluminium, the ‘metal-to-metal loop’ ensures that the energy and material in every single aluminium product endures through time, with no loss of chemical and physical performance. They are used time and time again and, therefore, preserved in every application, with no end – here is where the concept of permanent material comes from. It is associated with metals because metals, having these specific properties, cannot be included in the categories of materials from renewable sources or petroleum-derived products.
The consolidation of the role of the Consortium all over Italy and the network of relations with Municipalities and collectors/recyclers, with whom we have worked together to obtain these important results, now represent almost the beginning of a new age. We are now ready to rise to the new challenges coming from Europe and the new opportunities that Italy will be able to take by updating and adjusting the current laws.”

2015 Facts & Figures for CiAL

  • 203 member companies
  • Quantity of aluminium packaging entering the Italian market: 66,500 tonnes.
  • 6,607 Italian Municipalities undertaking the recovery of aluminium packaging, with the involvement of over 52 million people.
  • 455 members, 224 platforms and 11 smelting works all over Italy ensure the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of aluminium.

2015 Results for CiAl

Total recovery of aluminium packaging in Italy (share of recycling + share of packaging sent for energy recovery): 50,200 tonnes, equal to 75.5% of the total quantity placed on the market.

  • Recycling: 46,500 tonnes of aluminium packaging, equal to 69.9% of the market.
  • Energy Recovery: 3,700 tonnes (share of thin packaging that goes to a waste-to-energy plant)

The recycling of 46,500 tonnes of aluminium packaging has resulted in:

  • avoided production of greenhouse gases equal to 345,000 tonnes of CO2.
  • energy savings equal to over 148,000 tonnes of oil equivalent.

All the aluminium produced in Italy comes from recycling. 

Trends confirm that Italy leads the way in Europe, with over 895,000 tonnes of recycled scrap (taking into account more than just packaging).


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