A LIFE-line for 144 innovative projects investing for a better environment and climate action.
La Regione di Parigi ambisce a diventare la prima eco-regione d’Europa.
After five intense trade fair days, IFAT in Munich has closed its doors and STEINERT can look back on an outstanding trade fair presence. “We have rarely had such a high density of high-level, concrete discussions with new customers,” reported Dr. Uwe Habich and Peter Funke, both Managing Directors of STEINERT Elektromagnetbau GmbH. “The combination of the UniSort Black and the UniSort BlackEye, for sorting black plastics, attracted customers like a magnet. We have a clear technological advantage when it comes to boosting the recycling rates in this area,” continued Peter Funke, summing up the participation. The plastic sorting can be carried out at various stations along the recycling chain — at disposal companies and recycling firms alike. The UniSort Black is, for example, used in sorting facilities for lightweight packaging from household goods (separated into “yellow bins” in Germany). This machine sorts dark and black objects as well as the other residual materials that the upstream technology misses because NIR systems cannot recognize them. It can reveal them as black objects within the waste stream and sort them out. The UniSort BlackEye is the next logical step in this evolution of the sorting systems, because it can distinguish black plastics according to the categories PE, PP, PS and PVC. To sum up, the Managing Directors of the magnetic sorting and sensor technology specialists from Cologne said: “There is a great deal of interest in this type of economic processing technology. We had a very large number of visitors with real tasks to accomplish.
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