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Dovere e piacere: tre giorni negli stabilimenti HCME di Amsterdam

  • 15 November 2024

Dal 16 al 18 ottobre gli stabilimenti Hitachi Construction Machinery Europe di Amsterdam hanno ospitato alcuni dei più importanti clienti di KMI – Bamac, dealer Hitachi per Calabria e Puglia, aziende del Gruppo Iusi, storica famiglia del settore delle macchine movimento terra. Ad accompagnarli Giuseppe Pizziferri (Socio e responsabile commerciale), Felice Mangiatordi (Responsabile commerciale) e l’account manager HCME Italian branch Cristiano Carrega. 


New compact JCB 525-60 Hi-Viz telehandler

  • 17 February 2014

JCB, the world’s number one telescopic handler producer, is unveiling a new compact model at ConExpo 2014 to add to its growing Hi-Viz Loadall range for construction applications. The launch of the 525-60 brings a full-size telehandler performance and features the compact sector.


EU Waste Rules are in Need of a Radical Rethink

  • 16 September 2024

On 25 July 2024, the European Commission called on all Member States to meet waste collection and recycling targets; its letters of formal notice to the Member States underline their legal obligation to properly and fully implement EU environmental law. Whilst the WEEE Forum acknowledges that much more waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) must be separately collected for responsible management and to recover (critical) materials, we also believe that it highlights the need to thoroughly revise waste legislation.


Tony Fadell’s Build Collective Backs Greyparrot's Launch of Next-Gen Sustainable AI Waste Analyzer

  • 25 September 2024

Waste analytics leader is tackling the global waste crisis by helping customers improve recycling efficiency, capture CO2 emissions, and prevent waste leakage into nature.


The organic waste processing experts

  • 24 February 2014

Komptech offers processing technology for both recycling and energy extraction from organic waste.


Shredding of alkaline batteries: a critical step in recycling and waste management

  • 9 October 2024

Alkaline batteries, commonly used in everyday electronic devices, become hazardous waste if improperly disposed of. Shredding is a key phase in the recycling process, as it allows the breakdown of batteries into components for material recovery, such as zinc, manganese, and steel. This step helps mitigate the environmental risks associated with the release of harmful chemicals.


Reinventing paper sorting

  • 16 September 2024

The CNS BRAIN is the latest innovation from Pellenc ST, using Artificial Intelligence to improve detection accuracy and sorting performance.

Cesaro Mac Import Doppstadt Allreco Sennebogen MTB Tiger Depack Il Girasole Cesaro JT RecTec Orkel

Italian Machine Vision Forum, opportunità e potenzialità di un mercato all’avanguardia per il manifatturiero italiano

  • 18 September 2024

La terza edizione di Italian Machine Vision Forum si terrà il 17 ottobre ad Alzano Lombardo.


L’innovativo impianto di riciclo di magneti permanenti

  • 19 September 2024

Saranno trattate oltre 20 tonnellate di magneti da cui recuperare oltre 5 tonnellate di composti di REE (Rare Earth Elements), con un piano di industrializzazione che, a regime, permetterà di trattare fino a 2.000 tonnellate all’anno, equivalenti a quelle presenti in più di 600.000 motori elettrici e ibridi.


Circular Plastic: the innovative sorting plant designed by STADLER closes the plastic circular economy loop in Turin, Italy

  • 25 September 2024

Multi-utility company Iren SpA and STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, the globally active German company specialized in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants, have invited the international press and selected customers to visit the new Circular Plastic sorting plant. Designed and built by STADLER, it is the largest plastic sorting and storage facility in Italy. The new facility has the capacity to process approximately 100,000t mixed plastics and cans a year, closing the circular economy loop by sending up to 80% of incoming waste to recycling plants.


Ecomondo 2024: Vecoplan to present an innovative shredder

  • 27 September 2024

Vecoplan at Ecomondo: Visitors will learn everything about recycling solutions and get to know the team from the Italian branch office.


CGT celebra gli 80 anni con Caterpillar

  • 10 March 2014

Da aprile a ottobre l’azienda festeggia otto decadi di attività con un progetto dedicato a dipendenti e clienti. 


42.000 tonnellate di rifiuti tecnologici gestiti da Remedia nel 2013

  • 12 March 2014

Tra le regioni italiane, la Lombardia ha segnato il risultato migliore.


Environment MEPs clamp down on wasteful plastic carrier bags

  • 12 March 2014

EU states would have to reduce the consumption of most common and polluting plastic bags by 80% by 2019.


Case 721F Waste Handler

  • 13 September 2014

The most advanced waste and compost recycling wheel loaders.


Nucleare: progetto da 23 milioni di euro per la gestione in sicurezza dei rifiuti radioattivi

  • 8 October 2024

Il progetto PREDIS punta a migliorare le attività di caratterizzazione, trattamento e condizionamento dei rifiuti radioattivi a bassa e media radioattività per i quali non sono ancora disponibili soluzioni mature dal punto di vista tecnologico (materiali metallici, rifiuti organici liquidi e solidi).


Electrification meets the needs of the future

  • 6 May 2024

Finnish environmental technology solutions pioneer Tana Oy will exhibit two new electric shredders at IFAT Munich 2024 on 13-17 May, one of which will be the TANA Shark 440E, which will be unveiled at the trade fair. 


I soci di Montagna 2000 approvano il bilancio 2023 e confermano Alessandro Berzolla Amministratore Unico della società

  • 7 May 2024

L’Assemblea dei soci di Montagna 2000 dello scorso 4 maggio 2024 ha approvato all’unanimità dei presenti il bilancio d’esercizio chiuso al 31 dicembre 2023 con un utile netto di k€ 276 che caratterizza il miglior esercizio della società dalla sua fondazione.
