Approx. 3,000 exhibitors; 230,000 square meters of exhibition space; 56 joint stands from 13 countries; waiting list in a number of segments
More...Oltre la metà è raccolta in modo differenziato, sistema che in media raggiunge il 53,9%
More...The recycling rate for all plastic bottles rose 1.6 percent to 30.5 percent for the year.
More...Presentato agli Stati Generali della Green Economy 2013
More...Fino a sabato 9 Rimini Fiera ospita, in contemporanea, Ecomondo, Key Energy, Cooperambiente, Sal.Ve, H2r e Key Wind
More...Dal 2007 al 2011 la Confederazione ha stanziato 16 milioni di franchi per la promozione delle tecnologie ambientali.
More...The seas and oceans are increasingly becoming the waste dump of the planet.
More...Legge di stabilità, la Tares si trasforma in Trise
More...L’azienda vicentina ha presentato al mercato una nuova linea dedicata al settore forestale per il taglio, l’estrazione, la riduzione volumetrica di tronchi, alberi e la manutenzione stradale e boschiva.
More...Un dato importante e che fa ben sperare per il 2013
More...Many air pollutant emissions are below internationally agreed limits, except nitrogen oxides, according to a European Environment Agency report released
More...Slightly more than five months after the 17th edition, Ecomondo organization activity is in full swing at Rimini Fiera. The sixteen halls will be entirely occupied. Trade visitors and foreign buyers profiled to ensure new business.
More...Green energy production thanks to Cesaro Mac Import technologies and its partners
More...On the occasion of ECOMONDO, the International Trade Fair of Material & Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development 7 to 10 November 2012, which will be held in Rimini, the Vicenza company Trevi Benne S.p.A. will propose its technology for demolition and recycling field showing crushers, steel shears, screening and crushing buckets for environmental restoration.