During Ecomondo 2022 Cesaro Mac Import exhibited a selection of machinery from all the brands it represents: Doppstadt, Sennebogen, Allreco, MTB, Hitachi Zosen Innova and Il Girasole, Tiger Depack of which it is the manufacturer and exporter.
More...Le tecnologie per l'ambiente in una Guida dedicata. Nell'edizione 2023 scopri le migliori tecnologie sul mercato nel settore dell'ambiente, del recycling, del recupero, del riciclaggio, dei rifiuti, dell'economia circolare, del trattamento delle acque, delle rinnovabili, della green economy, del biometano e tanto altro ancora.
More...On October 27th, TOMRA held a live webcast entitled The future of wood recycling. During a 45-minute live stream, TOMRA’s wood recycling team and a material expert from IKEA outlined how a circular economy for wood can become a reality and a profitable business case for the panel industry.
More...Inaugurata la nuova sede aziendale di Ecostar in occasione della festa del 25 anniversario. Oggi l’azienda veneta è presente in 49 Stati con oltre 600 macchine. Ripercorriamo insieme la storia dell’azienda ascoltando le parole dei titolari.
More...Dall’8 all’11 novembre a Rimini torna Ecomondo con una missione: guidare la transizione ecologica.
More...As the next material handler, the popular 22 t recycling machine has now also received its update to the latest G series machine generation at SENNEBOGEN and shines with various technological innovations.
More...In 2019, Fantoni decided to source these recycled materials from in-house sorting and reached out to STEINERT. This has resulted in a sorting facility for recovering 250 000 tons of furniture-grade wood a year from municipal solid waste.
More...The World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management took place from May 30 to June 3, 2022. 2.984 exhibitors and around 119,000 visitors confirmed the fair as the most important platform for environmental technologies.
More...TOMRA continues to play a key role in closing the loop on PET beverage containers but recognizes that there is more to be done. Now political framework, bold decisions and smart investments in collecting, sorting and recycling should be used to improve circularity across all material streams and to overcome today’s supply chain bottlenecks.
More...Dal 30 Maggio al 3 Giugno presso la fiera di Monaco di Baviera si terrà IFAT 2022 e Pal Green Division sarà al padiglione B5, posizione 435.
More...La serie delle pinze selezionatrici / movimentatrici VTN ha svariate funzioni: dalla movimentazione di materiale alla demolizione di strutture in muratura.
More...Alla fiera di Rimini di IEG dall’8 all’11 novembre in contemporanea a Key Energy.
More...Each of the group’s four divisions - Collection, Food, Recycling and Mining – marked the milestone by declaring a collective mission for the future to “transform how we all obtain, use and reuse the planet’s resources to enable a world without waste.”
More...Dopo l’inaugurazione del test center per la selezione di flakes del settembre scorso, la sede italiana di TOMRA Recycling ha ora un nuovo responsabile commerciale e una nuova squadra.
More...Sennebogen 728 E tree care handler is specially designed for demanding tree care operations.
More...More than 2,500 exhibitors from 50 countries registered so far. All exhibition halls and the outdoor area occupied.
More...La nuova pala 821G Evolution è al lavoro nello scalo ligure per BuT Srl, una società di servizi portuali che si affida a CASE per garantire una gestione delle merci efficiente e senza interruzioni.
More...Latest value chain data – published by Close the Glass Loop – show that the EU28 average collection for recycling rate for glass packaging grew to the record rate of 78% in 2019. This represents a growth of 2 percentage points compared to 2018 performance, which shows that the glass packaging value chain is delivering on its circular economy ambition.