The telehandler series has been further developed through intensive customer feedback and meets Kramer's usual quality standards.
More...Tougher new regulations and consumer concerns are reflected in enquiries received at the leading trade fair for environmental technologies.
More...Pubblicato il Rapporto Cobat 2017: quasi 2 milioni di km percorsi per la raccolta, emissioni tagliate di oltre il 50% grazie alla logistica più sostenibile.
More...Early estimates of CO2 emissions from energy use.
More...Con l'aumento del numero di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche immesse al consumo, si prevedono importanti risvolti socio-economici: 13/15 mila posti di lavoro in più, 98/112 milioni di euro di valore economico associato alle emissioni risparmiate e 1.250 milioni di euro di risparmio nell'acquisto di materie prime.
More...TOMRA Sorting Recycling introduces new SHARP EYE technology.
More...The G-Series Waste Handler wheel loader range now includes four models: the existing 621G and 721G, and the new 821G and 921G – all in Waste Handler version.
More...Approvata la delibera con cui viene prorogata fino al 31 dicembre la possibilità di conferire i rifiuti prodotti da Roma Capitale in due impianti abruzzesi di Trattamento meccanico biologico.
More...This year's May is marked by the IFAT trade fairs – that is what IE expo China, IFAT’s Chinese spin-off, demonstrated from May 3 to 5, 2018 in Shanghai. During these three days, 66,580 visitors from 59 countries and regions came to the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) to catch up on the latest environmental technologies and solutions for the Asian market.
More...Semplificazione e tempi certi, informazione e partecipazione, monitoraggio e procedure online.
More...Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Waste-to-Energy Solutions, Water Treatment.
More...Wide-ranging technologies for one recycling solution.
More...Presentata da IREN la valutazione di impatto ambientale per il nuovo impianto da realizzare all'interno del PAI, il Polo Ambientale Integrato, che già ospita il termovalorizzatore.
More...Nissan, Sumitomo Corporation e 4R insieme per il riciclaggio delle batterie delle auto elettriche.
More...On one hand, a big boost in the packaging, textile-fashion, building and automotive chains. On the other, a focus on renewable energies with a great accent on wind, photovoltaic and storage systems.
More...The hard and tough facts about the steel in your recycling equipment Hardox® wear plate.
More...The supply chains, technologies and champions of the made in Italy circular economy.
More...Undoubtedly, the landscape of waste management in South-East Europe is changing and interest towards advanced solutions is increasing.