La Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) e ETRA SpA Società benefit hanno siglato un accordo da 100 milioni di euro per potenziare gli impianti di riciclaggio e il servizio idrico integrato in Veneto.
More...Digitalisation, packaging, plastic and artificial intelligence are the topics addressed in the interview with the management of Stadler, the company specializing in waste recycling technologies and systems.
More...Ottimizzazione del processo di trattamento dello zinco: il trituratore UNTHA XR3000 Cutter ha saputo rispondere in maniera efficacie ed efficiente alle necessità di F.lli Rossi Fu Alderige.
More...L’impianto modello di Alia Multiutility produce biometano e compost dal riciclaggio dei rifiuti organici.
More...Macchinari in azione per scavare le fondamenta dell’impianto modello a servizio del distretto tessile. L’impianto per la selezione automatica dei rifiuti tessili userà l’intelligenza artificiale e una tecnologia a infrarossi di ultima generazione.
More...The new Vecoplan Discharge Floor (VDF) ensures intelligent dosing in the handling of input and output materials.
More...Veolia has unveiled an innovative robotic arm at its Southwark Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) to optimise operations and make recycling more effective.
More...VALTRIS and Recycleye successfully complete their first automated robotic sorting project in Belgium.
More...STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, the globally active German company specializing in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants, presented its strategic objectives and unveiled its groundbreaking WireX automated bale wire remover and innovative digital solutions during a press conference held at the IFAT trade fair in Munich, Germany.
More...The shredding of MSW plays a crucial role in reducing waste volume, thereby facilitating its transport, recycling, and reducing the flow to landfills.
More...Ad Ifat 2024 Pronar Recycling ha presentato sei nuove macchine, tra cui un nuovo trituratore a bassa velocità con dimensioni compatte.
More...Termovalorizzatore di Roma, parte iter di aggiudicazione del bando.
More...IFAT Munich 2024, which took place from May 13 to 17 at the Munich Exhibition Center, ended with a top attendance: Around 142,000 visitors from nearly 170 countries and regions attended the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. The share of international visitors was over 50 percent and thus higher than ever. The number of international exhibitors also reached a new record: 55 percent of the 3,211 exhibitors came from abroad. Companies from a total of 61 countries and regions took part in the trade fair. With 300,000 square meters of space, IFAT Munich 2024 was also the largest ever.
More...Connected real-time data and AI waste analytics empowers operators to make data-driven decisions, maximise profitability, and minimise valuable material loss.
More...L’azienda specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di impianti per il recycling parteciperà alla fiera Ifat di Monaco di Baviera e presenterà ai visitatori il suo approccio circolare per il riciclo dei rifiuti.
More...Recycleye has announced a partnership with the Iren Group to install 6 AI systems for material compositional analysis at the Collegno MRF managed by Amiat, a company in the Group that handles Turin’s waste system.
More...UNTHA shredding technology, the Austrian premium manufacturer of shredding technology, will be presenting the new generation of its 4-shaft shredders, the RS class, and the MyUNTHA customer portal at IFAT 2024.
More...Grazie alla realizzazione di un impianto di triturazione a energia solare, l’azienda emiliana vince il premio di categoria “Innovazione di prodotto - Macchine e Attrezzature per il Riciclaggio degli Inerti” agli Idra - Italian Demolition & Recycling Awards, svoltosi in occasione della mostra convegno Gic.