STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, in collaboration with Krones, has designed and installed the new Republic Services Polymer Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, which processes plastic bottles, jugs and containers to produce plastic materials ready for use in new packaging. The first of its kind in North America, this facility closes the circular economy to meet the rising demand for high-quality and food-grade recycled plastic.
More...SWEEEP Kuusakoski and Recycleye announced the first successful commercial application of AI computer vision in the detection and sorting of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in the UK.
More...At the highly modern Val'Up sorting center in Belgium, the foundations are laid for a sustainable circular economy. Around 60 trucks deliver 200 tons of municipal waste every day, which is then sorted into 14 different fractions using an intelligent system and processed for further recycling.
More...Bonfiglioli in order to ensure high quality operations and the best result in the recycling process conceives, designs and produces specific solutions for collection, downsizing and sorting of waste materials. These solutions are developed with the highest levels of customization and designed according to the customer's needs.
More...STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, the globally active German company specialising in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants, together with weeeSwiss Technology AG, a subsidiary of the STADLER Group, have designed and installed the electronic waste sorting plant jointly with Immark at its site in Regensdorf. The new facility replaces an existing plant, increasing the site’s processing capacity while ensuring consistent stand-out quality in its output.
More...Svensk Plaståtervinning celebrated the opening of Site Zero, a state-of-the-art plastic sorting plant in Motala, Sweden. The plant features TOMRA and Sutco equipment and aims to realize a circular economy for plastics by sorting Swedish plastic packaging waste into 12 fractions.
More...SOLIDS Parma è la prima fiera professionale dedicata alla movimentazione, lo stoccaggio, l'analisi e la trasformazione dei solidi sfusi. In programma il 5 e 6 giugno 2024 alle Fiere di Parma.
More...STADLER Anlagenbau GmbH, the globally active German company specialising in the planning, production and assembly of turnkey recycling and sorting plants, sees a functioning circular economy as a roadmap to address the global issue of waste and depletion of natural resources. To reach this goal, effective collaboration between the different elements in the value chain is essential.
More...Collaborative research project OMNI directed by Recycleye, Valorplast, and TotalEnergies to enhance the circularity of polypropylene (PP) food packaging led to ground-breaking results. The new technology based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer vision, coupled with an efficient decontamination process, provides a high-performing marketable solution to tackle the challenge of mechanically recycling polypropylene for food-contact applications.
More...The 26th edition (the first without KEY) of Italian Exhibition Group´s international circular economy trade show closed today with a major leap forward compared to 2022.
More...TOMRA revolutionizes its product portfolio with the launch of the new INNOSORT™ FLAKE for high-throughput purification of plastic flakes. Its enhanced features enable simultaneous flake sorting by polymer, color and transparency achieving unmatched quality even from highly contaminated inputs.
More...Un hub di oltre 6000 mq dedicati alle tecnologie dei servizi ambientali con area espositiva di macchinari nuovi e usati in pronta consegna, officina e centro logistico per manutenzioni e assistenza tecnica.
More...Le tecnologie per l'ambiente in una Guida dedicata. Nell'edizione 2024 scopri le migliori tecnologie sul mercato nel settore dell'ambiente, del recycling, del recupero, del riciclaggio, dei rifiuti, dell'economia circolare, del trattamento delle acque, delle rinnovabili, della green economy, del biometano e tanto altro ancora.
More...L'automazione della selezione dei rifiuti è ora realtà anche in Italia: Il Solco, cooperativa sociale impegnata nel riciclo di rifiuti urbani, ha recentemente completato l’investimento in due unità robotiche Recycleye.
More...Dal 7 al 10 novembre in Fiera a Rimini la 26ª edizione della manifestazione di Italian Exhibition Group, leader nell’area del Mediterraneo per l’economia circolare.
More...L’americana Greenpath e TOMRA utilizzano una soluzione pionieristica per la selezione meccanica delle poliolefine in base al tipo e al colore del polimero.
More...A Termini Imerese, LVS Group inaugura un innovativo e versatile impianto per il riciclo delle materie plastiche realizzato da ITR - Recycling Systems e dotato di alta tecnologia.
More...Alustar chose TOMRA's new generation X-TRACT™ for high-purity aluminum sorting in its production facility in Türkiye to produce secondary aluminum billet from aluminum scrap.