How to turn your telescopic handler into a real crusher.
Con i nuovi Turbofarmer 50.8 e 45.11, la famiglia Alta capacità Merlo dedicata al mondo agricolo cresce e si rinnova.
More...STADLER and ZenRobotics have built the pioneering new sorting plant with Remeo Oy, a Finnish company specializing in environmental management. STADLER designed the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in collaboration with Remeo and built it, while ZenRobotics supplied AI-based robotics waste sorting technologies.
More...Sono stati prorogati di un mese, i termini per la presentazione delle domande per i fondi del PNRR per l’economia circolare.
More...More than 2,500 exhibitors from 50 countries registered so far. All exhibition halls and the outdoor area occupied.
More...In a joint study, four European waste management associations: the European Waste Management Association (FEAD); the Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP); the RDF Industry Group; and the Dutch Waste Management Association (DWMA), publish their findings for the potential for CO2 reductions within the waste management sector. The research was conducted by Prognos and CE Delft, two well-known and established centres of research.
More...Film and flexible packaging are excellent products from a performance point of view, which accounts for their stubbornly extensive use, but they present a difficult end-of-life issue. The solution lies in the creation of a circular economy where these materials are returned to the production cycle. However, recycling these materials requires a specific approach because of their characteristics. STADLER, a leading supplier of sorting plants for the recycling industry, has seen a sharp increase in the demand for sorting and recycling facilities capable of closing this loop.
More...La prossima edizione di Waste Management Europe in programma a marzo a Bergamo è stata posticipata a fine giugno 2022.
More...TOMRA and a Norwegian waste sorting plant have demonstrated that mixed waste sorting prior to disposal is a superior solution to separate collection. Since it stopped the separate collection for plastics in its region and unleashed the power of mixed waste sorting, the facility increased recovery rates from 28% to 82% and achieved recycling rates of 56,4%, thus meeting the EU’s 2025 recycling targets ahead of time. Today, IVAR ranks first in processing MSW by volume.
More...New rules will not be enough to decarbonise the buildings sector at the rate required to reach 2050 climate objectives.
More...Il Sistema Ecolight e le imprese della distribuzione moderna aderenti a Federdistribuzione avviano due nuovi sistemi EPR per la gestione di materassi, imbottiti, abbigliamento e altri prodotti tessili.
More...L’appuntamento con L’Italia del Riciclo 2021, il rapporto annuale sul riciclo e il recupero dei rifiuti, realizzato dalla Fondazione e Fise Unicircular, con il patrocinio del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica e di Ispra, è il 14 dicembre 2021, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 12.30, in live streaming.
More...Una collaborazione per plasmare il futuro del riciclo in Messico: TOMRA Recycling e Indorama Ventures.
More...Con gli obiettivi dell’agenda 2030 sempre più vicini, le società per i servizi ambientali inseriscono sempre più spesso nei propri piani industriali investimenti in impianti di riciclo in grado di avvicinarci sempre di più al target zero waste, trasformando i rifiuti in materie prime seconde, in grado di essere reimmesse in commercio, con scarti ridotti al minimo.
More...The Big Bag, internationally known as FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container), is a container consisting of sheets of polypropylene used for transporting and storing different quantities of various types of loose solid products.
More...In Italia il comparto è stato dinamico e resiliente alla crisi, con un valore della produzione nel 2020 di 12,1 miliardi solo per i rifiuti urbani, in crescita del 3,4%. Marangoni: PNRR opportunità per modernizzare il settore, ma serve capacità di esecuzione e attenzione al mercato.
More...Indeco Ind. S.p.A., an Italian company producing hydraulic hammers, was founded in 1976 and immediately distinguished itself for its innovative solutions in the field of demolition.
More...Per nuovi impianti di rifiuti e l’ammodernamento e progetti faro di economia circolare.