Persistent exposure to high levels of traffic noise can prove physically draining, disrupt organ functions and contribute to cardiovascular and other diseases, according to research by the European Environment Agency, which also shows that traffic exposes half the EU's urban population to noise levels above 55 decibels (db).
More...Support for integrated waste management and hydropower investment
More...Investire nelle energie rinnovabili su terreni marginali.
More...Nuovi materiali e nuovi processi per una diminuzione significativa del quantitativo dei rifiuti inviati in discarica e a valorizzazione energetica.
More...The advantages of moving the tax burden away from labour and towards resource use and pollution.
More...Il sottosegretario Bertelli: “Il nostro obiettivo è l'autosufficienza. Raccolta differenziata ad almeno il 70% entro 6 anni".
More...A disposizione ci sono 40.000 euro che verranno suddivisi in premi di 5.000 euro ciascuno.
More...Regione Lombardia, in questi mesi, sta attuando un programma straordinario di interventi, che si basa sia su nuovi investimenti sia sulla costante manutenzione delle opere esistenti.
More...Trattate oltre 29 mila tonnellate di frazione organica dei rifiuti solidi urbani, prodotti oltre 4 milioni di kWh di energia rinnovabile.
More...Innovations in every aspect of waste management will be presented at the environmental technology show IFAT between May 5 and 9, 2014, at the exhibition center in Munich.
More...Develop Next-Generation Bioplastics used in Food Packaging and Processing Industries
More...Idee e suggerimenti per essere sexy ecoamanti
More...Already at high level, the recycling of aluminium packaging in Germany has risen even more and reached a new peak for the year 2012.
More...The Carbon Trust calls for UK bosses to take control of bottom line wastage, by understanding the minds of employees.
More...Approx. 3,000 exhibitors; 230,000 square meters of exhibition space; 56 joint stands from 13 countries; waiting list in a number of segments
More...Compared to last year, European SMEs are becoming more resource efficient and are contributing substantially to the transition towards a low-carbon economy.