Il sottosegretario Bertelli: “Il nostro obiettivo è l'autosufficienza. Raccolta differenziata ad almeno il 70% entro 6 anni".
More...Innovations in every aspect of waste management will be presented at the environmental technology show IFAT between May 5 and 9, 2014, at the exhibition center in Munich.
More...Approx. 3,000 exhibitors; 230,000 square meters of exhibition space; 56 joint stands from 13 countries; waiting list in a number of segments
More...Oltre la metà è raccolta in modo differenziato, sistema che in media raggiunge il 53,9%
More...Simam is a nationwide leader in site characterization, remediation and restoration activities specialized in providing a wide range environmental engineering, consulting and construction services.
More...The recycling rate for all plastic bottles rose 1.6 percent to 30.5 percent for the year.
More...Presentato agli Stati Generali della Green Economy 2013
More...Fino a sabato 9 Rimini Fiera ospita, in contemporanea, Ecomondo, Key Energy, Cooperambiente, Sal.Ve, H2r e Key Wind
More...Nad interviene all’evento “Decommissioning” ad Ecomondo
More...The States General of the Green Economy, a two day event dedicated to the green economy in Italy, will take place on 6th -7th of November 2013 at Ecomondo-Key Energy in Rimini with the subject “A Green New Deal for Italy”.
More...The seas and oceans are increasingly becoming the waste dump of the planet.
More...Tra pochi giorni al via RemTech Expo, il Salone più specializzato in Italia sulle bonifiche dei siti contaminati e la riqualificazione del territorio
More...Slightly more than five months after the 17th edition, Ecomondo organization activity is in full swing at Rimini Fiera. The sixteen halls will be entirely occupied. Trade visitors and foreign buyers profiled to ensure new business.