Between 2000 and 2010, in Campania (Italy’s Region), there has been an accumulation of over 40,000,000 tons of eco-bales. Approximately 1 million were taken out of the region, therefore the remaining 3 million will be disposed of at 2 plants: Caivano and Giugliano in Campania.
More...Per l’abbattimento della struttura, Italia Demolizioni sceglie Doosan e VTN.
More...New units are small and designed for mini and midi excavators. Small but efficient, practical, and productive. The two new shaft screener models are the MB-HDS207 and the MB-HDS212.
More...The dates for SaMoTer as an attended show at Veronafiere have been set: the international construction equipment trade fair will be held 3-7 May 2023. The schedule was agreed with machinery builders and associations in relation to the busy trade fair calendar for this sector, with the aim of capitalizing on the recovery in this field which in 2021 closed with growth of 30% over 2020, with 22,000 construction vehicles sold on the Italian market (source: Unacea).
More...Dopo l’inaugurazione del test center per la selezione di flakes del settembre scorso, la sede italiana di TOMRA Recycling ha ora un nuovo responsabile commerciale e una nuova squadra.
More...How to turn your telescopic handler into a real crusher.
More than 2,500 exhibitors from 50 countries registered so far. All exhibition halls and the outdoor area occupied.
More...La nuova pala 821G Evolution è al lavoro nello scalo ligure per BuT Srl, una società di servizi portuali che si affida a CASE per garantire una gestione delle merci efficiente e senza interruzioni.
More...Il progetto SWITCH: Sviluppo e sperimentazione di un modello operativo per la gestione sostenibile del trasporto multimodale degli inerti tra Italia e Svizzera.
More...How MB Crusher’s units help construction sites to finish the job within the deadline.
More...Latest value chain data – published by Close the Glass Loop – show that the EU28 average collection for recycling rate for glass packaging grew to the record rate of 78% in 2019. This represents a growth of 2 percentage points compared to 2018 performance, which shows that the glass packaging value chain is delivering on its circular economy ambition.
More...New rules will not be enough to decarbonise the buildings sector at the rate required to reach 2050 climate objectives.
More...The Big Bag, internationally known as FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container), is a container consisting of sheets of polypropylene used for transporting and storing different quantities of various types of loose solid products.
More...Indeco Ind. S.p.A., an Italian company producing hydraulic hammers, was founded in 1976 and immediately distinguished itself for its innovative solutions in the field of demolition.
More...Venerdì 3 dicembre 2021 a Milano, presso il Palazzo Pirelli si terrà l'evento di approfondimento 'Intermodalità e logistica sostenibile degli inerti', organizzato dal Progetto INTERREG ITALIA SVIZZERA 'GeTRI' (Gestione Transfrontaliera del Trasporto di Rifiuti inerti e inerti Intermodale).
More...CENTAURO ricicla il 100% dei materiali senza impatto ambientale.
More...Terminata un’edizione ricca e frizzante della più importante fiera sull’economia circolare, si pensa già al prossimo appuntamento del 2022.
More...Le tecnologie per l'ambiente in una Guida dedicata. Nell'edizione 2021 scopri quali sono le migliori tecnologie sul mercato nel settore dell'ambiente, del recycling, del recupero, del riciclaggio, dei rifiuti, dell'economia circolare, del trattamento delle acque, delle rinnovabili, della green economy e tanto altro ancora.